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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Indigenous Hawaiians Protest the Exploitation of their Islands :: Essays Papers
Indigenous Hawai'ians Protest the Exploitation of their Islands Suggestive of the Civil Rights development that roared through the mainland states in the 1960’s, the Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement has grasped the shores and urban communities of America’s pet heaven and shook its â€Å"settler society†with decided quality and reason: the intentional misuse of Hawaiian land, Hawaiian otherworldliness, and Hawaiian life should unequivocally end now. From first contact in 1778, through the battle ready topple of the Queen in 1893, America’s â€Å"settler society†apparently decimated the social texture and language of Hawai’i’s autochthonous individuals. American settlers slaughtered a huge number of locals through the spread of deadly sicknesses and injured the current Hawaiian economy through land securing and imposing business model of the sugar showcase. Designed only for the advantage and endurance of the pilgrims, American â€Å"settler society†took into account no legitimate plan of action by the underestimated locals; local rights were denied out and out. In this manner characterized by 100 years of mistreatment and abuse, present day Hawaiians are furiously ethnocentric in a development which has advanced from requests of compensation to inside and out sway (69). As â€Å"multinational enterprises sell our [Hawaiian] beauty†(61), the Ka Lä hui Hawai’i effectively tries to make sure about indigenous self-assurance and uphold the Draft United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples for every staying Hawaiian. In these requests for all inclusive human rights, the difficult advancement of decolonization resonates with each peaceful show and worldwide signal. However notwithstanding the triumphant deception of decolonization, verifiable imperialism keeps on rendering Hawaiians casualty to the expending establishments of neocolonialism, specifically, co-optation and the scourge of the travel industry (108). Triumphant decolonization isn't yet a reality. The achievement of decolonization lays vigorously on destroying the â€Å"psychological dependency†Hawaiians soak up through haole training (42). As he who controls the past controls the future, present day haoles try to propagate current supremacist real factors by harming open memory with fake history. Haoles show these bogus translations of â€Å"settler society†and roughly render â€Å"civilization†as a favored burden to the primitive Hawaiians. Hence, in the pattern of decolonization, reality of the underestimated Hawaiians must be revised. Profound and social personality is basically recovered in the festival and endurance of local dialects and ways of thinking. As â€Å"[Haunani-Kay Trask] needed to get familiar with the [Hawaiian] language like a sweetheart so that [Trask] could shake inside her and lay around evening time in her dreaming arms†(118), so should the prostitution of Hawai’i by haole and traveler be changed.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Evolution and religion Essay Example for Free
Advancement and religion Essay â€Å" Science without religion is faltering, religion without science is visually impaired †, said Albert Einstein. This exposition focuses on advancement, religion, and creationism. In the primary stage these are characterized, and later their connections and debates are examined. A definitive articulation is made a the end. Advancement The hypothesis of advancement by common determination was first advanced by Charles Darwin in quite a while book, â€Å" on the birthplace of species†, in 1859. In 1930’s Darwinian normal determination was joined with Mendelian legacy to frame the cutting edge transformative blend. With its tremendous informative force, this hypothesis gives a bringing together response to assorted variety of life on earth. Development is the adjustment in a population’s acquired characteristics, from age to age. These characteristics are encoded as qualities that are replicated and given to posterity during generation. Transformations and other irregular changes in the qualities can create new or modified characteristics, bringing about contrast between life forms. Development happens when these various attributes become increasingly normal or uncommon in a populace. This occurs through hereditary float and depends on the regenerative estimation of qualities through regular determination. Under regular choice life forms with qualities that help them to endure and duplicate will in general have progressively off springs. In doing as such, they will give more duplicates of inheritable valuable qualities to the people to come. This prompts beneficial qualities getting increasingly regular in every age, while disadvantageous characteristics become rarer. After some time, this procedure can bring about changed adjustments to natural conditions. As contrasts in populaces aggregate, new species may develop. Every realized specie have slid from a solitary tribal genetic stock through this procedure of steady disparity. As per hypothesis of advancement, life on Earth began its excursion once again 3 billion years prior, when oxygenic photosynthesis rose, which made improvement of vigorous cell breath conceivable around 2 billion years back. Over the most recent billion years, multi cell plants and creatures started to show up in seas. The Cambrian blast began all significant body plans of present day creatures. Around 450 million years back ( mya) plants and parasites colonized the land, and were before long followed by anthropods and different creatures. Creatures of land and water originally showed up around 300 mya, trailed by reptiles and warm blooded animals around 200 mya, and feathered creatures around 100 mya. The human sort emerged around 2 mya, while the most punctual current people lived 200 thousand years back. This hypothesis expresses that all living beings on Earth have plummeted from a typical familial genetic supply. Proof for this is gathered from qualities shared between every living life form. In Darwin’s days, this announcement depended on noticeable perception of morphologic similitudes. Today hereditary science has demonstrated this. For instance, each living cell utilizes nucleic acids as its hereditary material and utilizations indistinguishable 20 amino acids from the structure squares of proteins. The all inclusiveness of these characteristics propose regular parentage. The underlying foundations of advancement hypothesis were laid by Charles Darwin in 1858. He was unable to propose any working component for legacy. This was given by Mendel in 1865, who demonstrated that unmistakable qualities were acquired in an all around characterized and unsurprising way.( Evolution ) Religion A religion is an allowance of faith based expectations and practices commonly held by human network including adherence to systematized convictions and customs, and investigation of familial or social conventions, works, history, folklore, individual confidence and spiritualist experience. It is likewise depicted as a collective framework for the cognizance of conviction concentrating on an arrangement of thought, concealed being, individual, or article, that is viewed as otherworldly, sacrosanct, divine or of the most elevated truth. Moral codes, values, rehearses, organizations, customs, ceremonies and sacred writings are regularly connected with the center conviction. Religion is likewise depicted as a â€Å" lifestyle †. There are number of models in which religions appear and create. Comprehensively these models fall into three classes: 1) Those which consider religion to be social development 2) Those which consider religion to be advancing towards higher, target truth 3) Those which consider specific to be as unadulterated truth Creationism is the conviction that humankind, life, the Earth, and the Universe were totally made by a powerful divinity, God. His reality is assumed. The term creationism is regularly used to depict the conviction that creation happened actually as portrayed in the book ‘ Genesis’, for Christians and the Jews, and in ‘Qur’an’, for Muslims. In Christian setting, numerous creationists receive a strict translation of the Biblical stories and state that Bible gives an authentic record, given from the viewpoint of one in particular who was there to observe it around then: God. Practically all places of worship encourage that God made the Cosmos. Scriptural creationism places information on God focal in quest for information on anything, as everything originates from God. It says nothing regarding the components by which anything was made. No efficient or logical request was made into the legitimacy of the content. Christian creationism id classified into numerous kinds. These are : Young Earth creationism. This is comprehensive of present day geocentrism, Omphalos theory, and creation science. Old Earth creationism. This incorporates Gap creationism, Day-age creationism, and dynamic creationism. Mystical creationism Neo-creationism, which incorporates keen plan. While Christian and Islamic creationism are practically comparative. Hindu creationism accepts that all animals including people experience rehashed patterns of creation and annihilation. The Hindu perspective on the universe is cyclic. ( Creationism ) Evolution and Religion depends on convictions and science depends on verifications and confirmations. The hypothesis of advancement is supported by logical confirmations and is viewed as science without question. The connection among religion and science accepts numerous structures as both are very expansive. They utilize various techniques and address various inquiries. The logical technique receives a target way to deal with measure, figure, and portray the characteristic, physical, material universe. Strict techniques are progressively emotional, depending on thoughts about power, instinct, confidence in heavenly, singular experience and ‘reasoned’ perceptions about existence or the universe, or a blend of all these. Science endeavors to answer the ‘how’ and ‘ what’ of noticeable and obvious marvels, religion endeavors to address the ‘why’ question of qualities, ethics, and otherworldliness. Both utilize various strategies to discover answers to various inquiries. ( Relationship). A vital disparity between the two is that religion has been existing since ages, while science is excessively youthful. The most punctual civic establishments of human species have been venerating a heavenly power, which was later named as ‘God ’ by Christianity and ‘ Allah’ by Islam. The two most mainstream religions of today’s world might be two or three thousand years of age in particular, yet the idea of religion is as old as man himself. In restriction, the cutting edge science is not really a couple hundred years of age. All the cutting edge logical speculations and revelations on which the world is flourishing today, happened after the renaissance time in Europe. There are two particular perspectives with respect to connection among religion and science. One known as ‘non-covering magisteria’, depicted by Stephen Jay Gould expresses that both arrangement with on a very basic level separate parts of human experience thus when every stays inside its own space, they can exist together calmly. The other view known as struggle proposal, which isn't to the enjoying of students of history yet holds well known intrigue, holds that science and religion definitely vie for power over the idea of the real world. Here, religion has been step by step losing a war with science as logical articulations become all the more remarkable, adequate and far reaching. ( Relationship ) Evolution hypothesis offers responses to different how life advanced and created on this planet. Its area is restricted to clarifying and demonstrating the presence of a typical hereditary pool from which various species appeared. Then again the joined area of the considerable number of religions of this world is practically unbounded. Answers to questions which science can't answer are given by religion. The substance of hypothesis of development are constrained while that of the considerable number of religions consolidated are boundless. For instance, development hypothesis can't offer an acceptable response to the birthplaces of universe or the beginning stage of life. It just accept that there was a pool of qualities from which all types of life have slipped. Religion clarifies that there exists an extraordinary power, which isn't seen by anybody and the presence of which can never be demonstrated in a logical manner, which made the ‘ Big Bang’. Science accept this was the start of universe. Religion has answers to questions which can't be replied by any logical hypothesis. The hypothesis of development has no idea about soul, which is comprehensively acknowledged as a piece of our body, while all religions of this world have clear responses to any question with respect to soul. All logical information, whenever summarized, resembles a little drop in an expanse of summarized information offered by all religions on this world. In the event that religion depends on suspicions, even science has presumptions at its base. Advancement is constrained to different parts of life on this planet. For any religion this is an extremely little section in an immense book. Religion not just contacts the different parts of how life grew, yet various different points too. As referenced above, religion is a ‘ method of life’ and thus its pe
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
2013 Essay Questions - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
2013 Essay Questions - UGA Undergraduate Admissions 2013 Essay Questions As promised, here are the essay questions for the 2013 First Year application. The application will be available in mid-August. 1. Choose an intellectual or creative opportunity (for example, community involvement, a summer program, a unique project, travel abroad, etc.) from your high school years that you have enjoyed and highlight how you have grown personally because of the experience. 2. UGAs First Year Odyssey Program offers more than 300 seminar courses for new freshmen. Some examples include The History ofHorse-racing, Einstein and the Theories of Relativity and The Zombie Plague. If you could create your own seminar course at UGA in any subject area that interests you, what would it be? What would the course be named and what would you hope to learn? 3. Tell us an interesting or amusing story about yourself that you have not already shared in your application. 4. Incredibly, you have just won a $100 million lottery. To receive it, you must first earn a college degree. How does this change your college experience? How does it change your life after college? You may also find the questions onlinehere. Go Dawgs!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Improvised Explosive Device ( Ied ) Essay - 1450 Words
Winston Churchill said, â€Å"You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing-after they have tried everything else†.1 Three years after field commanders requested Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles the Pentagon approved the request and asked Congress to pay the bill.2 The defeat of Saddam Hussein by Coalition Forces created a growing insurgency in Iraq from the summer of 2003 through the surge of U.S. Forces in 2008. The improvised explosive device (IED), the insurgent’s choice weapon, was responsible for 50-80% of U.S. deaths from 2005 through 2008.3 A CNN poll conducted in March 2003 showed 72% of Americans supported the war in Iraq and 3 years later only half that number, 36%, of Americans supported the war in Iraq.4 Public support for the war diminished as deaths increased while U.S. Forces conducted non-kinetic operations focused on rebuilding Iraq. Also during this time, Congress began to ask the Pentagon why they could not defeat the IED threat. Despite mounting Congressional pressure, the Pentagon was not prepared to procure MRAPs under a normal acquisition process. Ultimately, Secretary Gates made the rapid acquisition of the MRAP his number one priority.5 This essay will highlight three factors that made the MRAP acquisition program different from a normal acquisition. First, Congress and Secretary Gates, called for immediate MRAP procurement. Next, MRAP procurement was unexpected as the Pentagon planned to be in and out of Iraq quickly.Show MoreRelatedHow the Invention of Gunpowder Evolved into Many Other Things634 Words  | 3 PagesGunpowder is an explosive element that burns rapidly to produce a high pressure gas. Enlargement of this gas inside the barrel of a gun can accelerate a bullet to great rapidity. Furthermore, gunpowder is consequently used as a propellant in numerous ways. It is used as an explosive for demolition of buildings, fireworks and weapon. The Chinese were the first to convey gunpowder in the 9t h century as they used this creation for fireworks and propelling rockets. This explosives were a combinationRead MoreEndnote Analysis1335 Words  | 6 PagesELEC5208 Intelligent Electricity Networks Pre-lab 2 SCADA System - Faults in Unloaded System Question 1 Due to the Micom meters and replays in the PSS1, Micom S10 is used as the IED user software. Please take some research to find if there is any other IED user software used in current electric utilities to implement system automation, such as from ABB, Schneider, etc. Present another three examples, compare and comment on their features. Are there any special features required for distributionRead MoreThe History of Military Demolitions Essay831 Words  | 4 Pagesthe medieval times to present day, explosives have been used as an Offensive and Defensive weapon. When a castle or army was under siege the attacking army would surround the objective and cut off all supply lines and try to starve the enemy into submission. With the invention of gunpowder it made the siege obsolete. This was empowered by the cannon and other forms of field artillery, which allowed the objective to be overthrown quickly. Military grade explosives are used for benign reasons alsoRead MoreThe Invention Of The Telephone837 Words  | 4 Pagesreceiver identified as â€Å"Siri†and â€Å"she†can answer virtually each and every inquiry. Siri is a built-in â€Å"intelligent assistant†that enables users of Apple iPhone 4S and later and newer iPad and and iPod Touch devices to speak natural language voice co mmands in order to operate the mobile device and its apps. Siri was originally coded by the artificial intelligence wing of the company SRI international, which is funded by the DARPA. http://www.spaceRead MoreInstilling Fear Through Dirty Bombs Essay870 Words  | 4 Pagesinstilling fear in the local population thus making it a weapon of mass disruption. The similarities between a dirty bomb and an improvised explosive device (IED) are remarkable. In our modern wars of Iraq, Afghanistan and several other theaters of operations the IED has been the weapon of choice for insurgents. They are cheap to make and can be constructed from left over explosives and shrapnel producing elements, these same qualities are shared by the dirty bombs. The primary and often overlooked effectRead MoreA Report On Eod Robotics880 Words  | 4 Pagesthe street. However not everyone has explosives they can use for blowing people up. Eod robots are r obots used by bomb disposal teams, EOD stands for explosives ordinance disposal. The remote-controlled, heavy-duty robot tEODor (telerob Explosive Ordnance Disposal and observation robot) is designed and manufactured by Telerob. Telerob is a business unit of Cobham Unmanned Systems. The robot is designed to provide enhanced bomb disposal capabilities to explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) teams. The robotRead MoreThe Emergence Of The Taliban Essay1537 Words  | 7 Pages709-710). Throughout the war the Taliban focused their guerilla warfare against Afghan security forces, and entities of the Afghan government. Hit and run attacks were used in conjunction with improvised explosive devices, small arms, rocket propelled grenades, and suicide bombings. Recently, more complex IED have been used against Afghan security forces and civilians, being designated as a â€Å"war of attrition†. Furthermore, the Taliban have also attacked citizens who did not obey the Taliban’s commandsRead MoreToo Many Threats for Soldiers910 Words  | 4 Pagesholding a gun, grenade, or rocket in which the soldier would be accustomed to seeing. Instead what has turned into a common occurrence in conflict is the use of IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices). These lethal weapons commonly crafted out of tools and objects that are usually found within an ordinary home. Large tin coffee cans packed with explosives within its bottom, filled to the top with sharp and small object s ranging from separated scissors to nuts and bolts to act as shrapnel bombs. These wouldRead MoreThe Mine Resistant Ambush Protective808 Words  | 4 Pagesprogram revolved around the three year delay from when the field initially identified its need until its production. This paper asserts that while MRAP development and production speed was impressive, the slow reaction to the enemy’s Improvised Explosive Device (IED) capability and the lack of doctrine and concept development led to delay. To support this position, this essay describes the strategic environment with its competing efforts, and it compares the MRAP acquisition to normal Major DefenseRead MoreEssay Military Robotics725 Words  | 3 Pagesground below to troops would reduce the casualties (Fogarty). Military robots can serve in place of human beings in explosive ordinance disposal (EOD), surveillance, and other dangerous situations. For example, when an EOD team was hunting for improvised explosive devices (IED), by the time the soldier was close enough to see the telltale wires from the bomb, it was too late. The IED erupted in a wave of flames. A soldier would have to be as far as 50 yards away to escape death and as far as half-mile
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Essay On The Things They Carried - 1624 Words
For the seventeen Soldiers portrayed in â€Å"The Things We Carried†by Tim O’Brien, the physical pain was very minimal weight to carry compared to the emotional scars that they will carry throughout their entire life. This story does an amazing job portraying full human emotion that anyone put into a situation would feel, such as heavy guilt, sadness, anger, lack of motivation, perseverance, horror, and false security. All of these are notorious feelings that every soldier back in history, and now still feel when they are on a mission. â€Å"The Things They carried†shows a deep vulnerability of everyday human’s thought process during times of great stress, that before, wasn’t considered by the general public and media when speaking about what it†¦show more content†¦Because of this delicate selection of which publisher could have the privilege of reviewing his work, finding a true literary analysis based on facts rather than commercial se lling seemed to become a job in itself. Robert C. Evans, addresses these issues in the first page of his own literary analysis of â€Å"The Thing’s they Carried†, and prides himself from striving away from the generic, vague, and imprecise reviews that’s been previously published. Evens states that, â€Å"Only this kind of almost microscopic attention can truly come closest to explaining why and how Things is as powerful a piece of writing as almost everyone thinks it is†(Evans, 2015 pg. 202). This is why he was the leading article I personally chose to use as my leading, secondary source. Evens brings up the fact that when looking into the theme of â€Å"The Things They Carried†, there were many opinions on what the theme was, but very little had aligning ideas with each other. Many reviewers symmetrized it in singular words such as memories, life, and death. But Evens feels that the ones that were the truest, were the ones whose answers were the most specific yet open and un-ended ideas. He specifies one reviewer that he called helpful response went as such: Things were â€Å"about men who fought and died, about buddies, and about a lost innocence that might be recaptured through the memory ofShow MoreRelated Things They Carried Essay: Strength in The Things They Carried980 Words  | 4 PagesStrength in The Things They Carried     Everybody has to deal with adversity at some point in their lives. The adversity that they go through varies from person to person. For First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross, he had to make it through the Vietnam War alive. In the short story, The Things They Carried, where Cross draws his strength from is somewhat unclear. He seems strong at the beginning of the story, but then again, he also seems to be gaining strength towards the end of the story. ThisRead More the things they carried Essay1091 Words  | 5 Pages The things they carried,by Tim Obrien nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;quot;Oh man, you fuckin trashed the fucker. You scrambled his sorry self, look at that, you did, you laid him out like fuckin Shredded Wheat.quot; I chose to start off my essay with this particular exert from the book because I think that it very much represents the story in itself. Azar said this, after Tim (supposedly) killed a Vietnamese soldier with a hand grenade. It shows that in times of war, how callous men can becomeRead MoreEssay on The Things They Carried515 Words  | 3 PagesThe Things They Carried The Things They Carried, by Tim OBrien, is a generalization of his own experiences in Vietnam although the story itself is a work of fiction there is still much to be learned from it. Through the actions of soldiers in The Things They Carried we can begin to explore the effect war has on the human condition and the toll it plays on their minds. Some of the themes in the book, The Things They Carried, are bravery and what true bravery is, truth and how the manipulationRead MoreThe Things They Carried Essay1015 Words  | 5 PagesThe text, ‘The Things They Carried, is an excellent example which reveals how individuals are changed for the worse through their first hand experience of war. Following the lives of the men both during and after the war in a series of short stories, the impact of the war is accurately portrayed, and provides a rare insight into the guilt stricken minds of soldiers. ‘The Things They Carried shows the impact of the war in its many forms: the suicide of an ex-soldier upon his return home; the lesseningRead More The Things They Carried Essay2450 Words  | 10 Pagesand extremely prosperous. The 90’s were fraught with media propaganda about the economy and international relations. This media coverage made many Americans feel that they were invincible. The media never really covered the Middle East where things were about to boil over and hatred for the U.S. was about to get primetime attention. On the morning of September 11, 2001 the United States got a rude awakening to this hate that is held for our â€Å"invincible†country. This awakening came asRead More The Things They Carried Essay1107 Words  | 5 Pagesstory an example of this is Tim O’Brien’s â€Å"The Things They Carried†. As the story goes on it shows not only the literal meaning of what they carried but also symbolically the burdens that they had mentally. In the literal sense O’Brien talks about what different members of a platoon in Vietnam carried. This helps him to move to a more symbolic sense at the end of the story. He starts by talking about necessities and slowly moves on to what they carried to remind them that there was a world out sideRead MoreEssay On The Things They Carried1058 Words  | 5 Pages â€Å"The Things They Carried†provides a personal view into the minds of soldiers, and tells us the emotional and psychological costs of war. First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross is stationed in Vietnam in the middle of the war. He seems to be a man in love, or more like a man in love with the idea of a lady named Martha. He ends up changing from a love struck, blind man into a firm, leading soldier. In this story, the characters do the things they do because of desires and motivations. In â€Å"The ThingsRead MoreThe Things They Carried Essay1603 Words  | 7 PagesThe Things They Carried, every soldier carried something different; different equipment, different memories, and different guilt. Their equipment would change as they travelled through the book, but one common thing that the soldiers would all be forced to carry is the weight of losing one of their own. Though it might weight differently from man to man, changing depending on how well they knew the soldier, it is a weight they all felt. Though several soldiers died in The Things They Carried, theRead MoreThe Things They Carried Essay2626 Words  | 11 PagesAmerican History. During this time a lot of young people were anti-war, they were sick of losing people they loved to violence. Though the war still needed to be fought so men became soldiers freely or because they were drafted. In the story â€Å"Things They Carried†, soldiers are faced head on with the Vietnam War. Tim O’Br ien shows how the men carry the weight of physical objects through out the war. The men bog themselves down with physical objects that they do not necessarily need yet, they can dropRead MoreThe Things They Carried Essay1838 Words  | 8 PagesChristian Hernandez Professor Sarah Cantrell English 1102 â€Å"The Things They Carried†: Emotional side The story of The Things They Carried written by Tim O’Brien gives a good outlook on how the Soldiers feel and think during the war . The story describes the different things that the soldiers carry with them while at war. O’Brien talks about the different items in great detail such as weight, color, shape and size but he also gives extraordinary details about not only their personalities
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Coursework assignment Jack the Ripper Free Essays
string(64) " true and which were not and the killer took advantage of this\." 1. Source A is part of a newspaper article describing the murder of Martha Tabram and Polly Nicholls. From source A I can learn that there have been two murders in London within a month of each other, I can also learn that Polly Nicholls and the other victim, Martha Tabram, were very poor. We will write a custom essay sample on Coursework assignment: Jack the Ripper or any similar topic only for you Order Now Source A also tells us that the murderer did not kill the women for financial gain as there was no proof of stealing, the killer had used too much force to kill these women and this suggests that the killer was not of stable mind. Source A is part of an article in the East End Observer describing the murders of Martha Tabram and Polly Nicholls and it was written within a month of the murders, it suggests that the murderer was not of stable mind. Source B is part of the Coroner’s report of the death of Polly Nicholls and it suggests that the killer had a good knowledge of the human body. Source C is the report of Dr Frederick Blackwell on the body of Elizabeth Stride and its gives a detailed description of the victims body. Source A supports Source C by saying that the victims have been of the poorest of the poor whilst Source C implies that the victim, Elizabeth Stride, was poor as there was ‘no money on the body. ‘ However Source A is different to Source C as it says that the killer used ‘extraordinary violence’ to murder the women where as Source C says that there was only one incision on the body and it cut the windpipe ‘completely in two meaning that no force was used’. Source C also says that the appearance of the face was calm meaning there was no force used against the victim and it was a quick kill. Source A states that the murders were a work of a ‘demented being’ as so much effort was used to kill the victims but the evidence from Source C suggest that the killer had a knowledge of how to kill a person quickly as it says that only one incision was found on the victim and it rendered them dead. Source B says the killer had ‘anatomical skill and knowledge’ the wounds inflicted on the victim were in specific places that would lead to certain organs, additionally Source C also suggests that the killer had a good understanding of the human body as it mentions that only one wound was inflicted on the victim and it was enough to kill her and this shows that Source B supports Source C. Source B also supports Source C by saying the killer used a knife as a weapon to kill the victims and Source C implies that the killer used a knife as an incision is caused by a knife or sharp object. However Source B is different from Source C as all the statements in this are opinions whereas all the statements of Source C are facts and are given by a doctor who knows what he is seeing. Source B is also trying to decipher the identity of the victim where as Source is just a description of the body 3. Source E is Part of an article published in a local newspaper after the murders of Polly Nicholls and Annie Chapman. It tells us of how an informant warned police officers that the security of the streets should be improved otherwise murders would ensue. It also tells us a bit about the geography of White Chapel. This source implies that the security of the streets in White Chapel was really poor as there were crimes going on in every street and people had predicted that there would be murders happening in the town if the quality of the police force was not increased. It also tells us that there were crimes going on such as ‘ruffianism’ (violent lawless behavior), and although the police were told of it they did nothing to prevent or stop these crimes. This Source also tells us about the way White Chapel is built, with the main roads connected by narrow alleyways, meaning that the killer could easily slide into an alley if he heard or saw the police approaching. However the Source does not tell us who the informant is; implying that the killer had to be a police to hide his identity because otherwise he would have been fired from his job. As a result of not knowing the identity of the killer, we cannot tell if the Source is reliable or not. But as the source was a newspaper article, its main job was to inform people of the news accurately, however the newspapers also had to be sold meaning that the article evidence given by the informant could have stretched to make the article more interesting. Source D is the evidence of Elizabeth Long at the inquest into the death of Annie Chapman; she was describing the man seen talking to Annie before she was killed. It tells about the appearance of the man seen with Annie Chapman before she was killed. It says that the man was a foreigner and that he was of a ‘shabby genteel’. The description given by the eye-witness is very detailed and it describes a foreigner. During the time that the murders happened White chapel was a dirty and polluted place, people could even see their own hands in front of their faces in the dark. The time at which Miss Long said she say the man was at 5. 30 am and it was still pretty dark at that time which leads me to believe that this source is not very reliable. This however shows me that the police had trouble capturing the killer because of all the false eye-witness accounts given to them by the public, they could not interpret which ones were true and which were not and the killer took advantage of this. You read "Coursework assignment: Jack the Ripper" in category "Papers" Source D is not very reliable as there is no way that Miss. Long could have made out the appearance of the man in such detail, it is a make belief story as at the time of which the account was given many people presumed that the killer was a foreigner, therefore Miss. Long gave the description of one. 4. The police made use of many methods to try and catch the killer but they were all to no avail. One of the things that the police was to circulate leaflets around to the general public. Source F is the leaflet distributed to over 80,000 households in hopes of catching the murderer. The leaflet contains dates of the first four murders (starting from Polly Nicholls) and it is suggesting that the killer lives in Whitechapel. It is asking for people to come forward and report anybody suspicious. This is a good idea as it would save the police from interviewing everyone in Whitechapel but the public did help the police as they came up with too many false witnesses and they gave information on people who acted the slightest unusual. Source G is part of a letter from the Home Secretary to the mile end vigilance committee on 17 September 1888. The Home Secretary states that offering a reward would mean people would make false accusations on innocent people just for the money. The police were asking permission to offer reward to anyone who gives information on the killer but they were declined. This would have been a good idea as they would get a list of suspects but the public would give information on anyone just to get the money and this would leave the police in a bigger state of confusion. The police also requested for 100 more men both uniformed and plain clothed so there can more of a chance to catch the killer. This was definitely a good idea as there were more men patrolling the area and there were more chances of spotting the killer. However this method proved to be insufficient as the killer was not seen the police, both uniformed and plain clothed. The metropolitan police sent a private and confidential letter to Col turner asking him to provide trained bloodhounds that could track the scent of the victim’s blood in order to find the killer. This was a very good idea and it is still used today to track down suspects but this also failed to catch the notorious Whitechapel, murderer. Although this did prove that the killer murdered his victims rather stealthily as to not get any blood on himself. The police also put their time and effort into interviewing over a thousand lodgers in the area of Whitechapel. This does not seem like a good idea as all the murders had taken place on the weekend or on a holiday suggesting that the killer was from out of town or that he had a job meaning that he would have his own house. One of the stranger things the police did was use silent boots. There logic was that the killer would here the police man approach and so the killer would not run away. This obviously did not help the police catch the killer. These boots also cause pain to the officers as they were uncomfortable. Autopsies were carried out and police photographed each scene. Detailed interviews were conducted throughout the area and existing mental patients and those with a history of violence were investigated. Also the police offered pardons to accomplices willing to come forward with information. The police tried almost everything they could to try and catch the killer during the murders but the facilities that police had were just not enough and most of the time criminals were caught red handed or they would most likely escape. 5. The Whitechapel murders were something that the police have never experienced, they do not know of killing without reason or serial killing. As you have seen, the police tried various methods to try and catch the murderer but they were all a failure and that is due to the following reasons. The killer was a mad-man. This is what everybody believed in White chapel, that someone who kills for his own pleasure has to be foaming at the mouth, this was the perceived of Jack the ripper. He was seen as a man who could not keep his emotions in check and who was a basic raving lunatic. However through modern serial killings we have found that most serial killers look outwardly normal and sane even though they are mad on the inside. The killer could have had an ordinary day-light life with maybe even a family and by night time he could have set out to kill. This was not known at the time so people were looking out for mad person who was swinging a knife at every prostitute and because of this lunatics all over White chapel were examined but to no avail. This also meant that if the killer had family and friends they would never suspect him as he would not have filled the description of a lunatic. The killer on the other hand was a very confident person as he no doubt believed he would never be caught so he never hid the bodies and murdered in daring places, such as ten minutes away from the police station. The killer was also very artful as source H states that ‘not a trace is left’ of the killer at the crime scene. The victims of the killer had one thing in common: heavy drinking. They were known for drinking and wondering around the streets, the first victim’s, Polly Nicholls, marriage broke down as a cause of her heavy drinking. Polly Nicholls was a sad woman who made a living from prostitution. The second victim, Annie Chapman, was also a separated wife who suffered from alcoholism and she was also homeless. The next victim, Elizabeth Stride, was also separated from her husband and used prostitution as a source of a living. The fourth victim, Catherine Eddowes, was also a heavy drinker, a separated wife and a prostitute. The fifth and final victim was Mary Jane Kelly and she was a young prostitute whose husband had died. All these victims are prostitutes and almost all were heavy drinkers meaning they were all exceptionally easy targets as they would have to go in dark places with men who they were strangers with and when they were drunk they were disoriented and did not know what was going on. They would also do anything for a drink meaning they would meet up with men at night just because he promised a drink. The victims were also picked at random except for the fact that they were prostitutes so the police could not find a pattern in the victims and there were too many prostitutes in White chapel to protect them all. Whitechapel was a densely populated area in one of the poorest districts in London. There were many slaughterhouses and such in those parts of London, and so it wasn’t odd for men to walk around in dirty and even blood stained clothes. Furthermore, the fact that there were so many narrow alleys and thoroughfares may have made the Ripper’s escape easier. As source E tells us that the alley ways were ‘dark’ and ‘narrow’. The area of Whitechapel had many penniless, homeless and nameless people drifting in and out of its streets, so it was difficult to keep the track, monitor the streets and the police also had to deal with the vigilante behaviour that erupted as a result of the murders. The eyewitnesses that came forward were almost all very inaccurate except for the police officers. In eye-witness account of Elizabeth Long (source D), a description of a man she sees talking to Annie Chapman is given but it is not very detailed and it only describes his attire and not his facial features. Elizebeth Long is also not sure about the things she sae as she says: ‘as well as I could make out’, ‘I think’ and ‘I cannot be sure’. Also, the time at which she saw the man, it was dark and smog covered the whole of White chapel so therefore she could not have seen clearly and her evidence is most likely made up. These sort of eye-witness accounts lead the police to a dead end and their time is wasted. The chance of the police catching any criminal in those days would drastically drop if they didn’t catch him in the act. The investigative tools the police had at the time did not include fingerprinting, forensic evidence and DNA. The police tried almost everything they could and they made requests that would help catch the killer (even though some of them were denied). The police was not used to the concept of killing without a motive and this confused the police as to what course of action they should take. Although the police did make some mistakes such as when the writing on the wall was erased before it could be photographed and they let Catherine Eddowes out of jail at 1. 00 am when they clearly knew about the dangerous times. The police were not to blame for the ripper murders as they had never experienced anything like it and they did whatever they could to try and catch the killer. The public did not help the police in the investigation by giving false witnesses and accusations. The layout of White chapel was in such a way that it would be extremely easy for the ripper to escape. How to cite Coursework assignment: Jack the Ripper, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Cost Accounting Traditional Costing System
Question: Discuss about the Cost Accountingfor Traditional Costing System. Answer: Introduction: It is the costing technique which is used to allocate all the cost in separate department. Costing technique helps in providing all the required information to top management department and bifurcate all the cost in its relative departments. In this report ABC costing technique has been taken into consideration for the effective management of costing process in traditional costing system. Traditional Costing System: It is the one of the old system which is used by companies to allocate the cost in different departments. This technique is used to evaluate the average cost of overhead. This approach helps in bifurcation of cost in different departments and provides direct and indirect cost to the particular costing departments and evaluates cost in separate department by using cost working hours and labor engaged. (Garrison et al, 2010). Activity Based Costing: It is also ABC costing which is used in all the production houses activities consisted with manufacturing of products. It is used to assign the cost to each and every activity of production departments as per the different nature of cost and other elements it is used to provide exact cost of production and cost per unit. This technique is used to allocate cost to different production department. It is helpful in reducing the cost of production by reducing error chances and mistakes in process system. (Rasiah, 2011). This ABC technique is completely different from its traditional costing approach. Key Differences Between Traditional Costing Approach and ABC Costing Design There are several differences between traditional costing approach and ABC costing design Traditional costing allocates the cost as per the allocated overhead cost and ABC technique allocates cost as per the nature of total cost. Traditional costing technique is not used for dept information to allocate cost in different department but use only nature for the production allocation cost (Kaplan Anderson, 2013). In Traditional costing technique it is simple to allocate cost as per the rules whereas, in ABC technique it becomes hard and complex Traditional costing technique is concerned with considering very few cost elements whereas, in ABC costing several elements are taken into consideration before allocating cost Advantages and disadvantages: Advantages: This technique is easy to evaluate and determine total production cost in effective manner. It consumes less time and cost in its productions department. It provides bifurcation in products and costing department for particular products Helps in increment in overall profitability of organizations. It evaluate non productive factors of costing house Disadvantages: It does not provide correct result Accompanied with several errors Less information is used in this technique (Weygandt, Kimmel Kieso, 2015). It is very challenging and complex Conclusion: Traditional costing technique and ABC costing both are important to organizations. However, in order to reduce the mistakes and errors in present Traditional costing technique companies use ABC technique in its working department for cost allocation. Now in the end it would be concluded that ABC technique is far better technique for allocation of cost in different department by organizations. References: Garrison, R. H., Noreen, E. W., Brewer, P. C., McGowan, A. (2010). Managerial accounting.Issues in Accounting Education,25(4), 792-793. Kaplan, R., Anderson, S. R. (2013).Time-driven activity-based costing: a simpler and more powerful path to higher profits. Harvard business press. Rasiah, D. (2011). Why Activity Based Costing (ABC) is still tagging behind the traditional costing in Malaysia?.Journal of Applied Finance and Banking,1(1), 83. Weygandt, J. J., Kimmel, P. D., Kieso, D. E. (2015).Financial Managerial Accounting. John Wiley Sons.
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