Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Impacts Of Tourism Tourism Essay Essays
Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Impacts Of Tourism Tourism Essay Essays Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Impacts Of Tourism Tourism Essay Essay Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Impacts Of Tourism Tourism Essay Essay Harmonizing, Gawler ( 2001 ) believed that touristry is set uping to economic and lifestyle of people in each country of touristry. Tourism has frights that is expanded to touristry and related to severely respond or mass tourers. Anyway, touristry can be both positive and negative impacts on states. Furthermore, Mirbabayev and Shagazatova said that presents, touristry is the largest factor of economic. Tourism is germinating in economic activities. Assorted sectors of economic system have affected from turning development rates ; substructure development, foreign currency influxs, and new direction. They can be contributed to the societal and economic development in large portion of the state. Besides, Lehmann ( 2005 ) explained that there are three distinguishable parts: direct, indirect, and induced in the entire economic impact of travellers First, the direct impact is the value added of those sectors that interact straight with the visitant. Second, the indirect impact is the benefit to providers to those direct sectors. Third, the induced impact adds the impact of tourism-generated rewards as they are spent in economic system. In add-on, Rattanasuwongchai ( 1994 ) told that Tourism is the fastest turning industries and can bring forth national income in developing economic systems. Lapp as the other, Thailand has a touristry that is a major beginning of national income. Although touristry had some negative effects, it has covered all degree. Otherwise, Sugiyarto, Blake, and Sinclair ( 2002 ) defined that touristry took topographic point within a big context of the universe economic system. Besides, Sherpa ( 2006 ) said that touristry is a major economic activity supplying supports to hapless people. Furthermore, Bartsch ( 1998 ) said that Tourism conducted tourers sing the small town. They can acquire excess income and took advantage by offering adjustment to tourers. Likewise, Khadka ( 1996 ) explained that International touristry is a fast growth in economic factors. It increased in national income. Meanwhile, Albqami ( 1997 ) said that Tourism had received more attending in presents. Tourism stimulated to the economic growing. Similarly, Suntikul ( 2008 ) told that Tourism has a hard job. Tourism is accepting as the economic and social importance of touristry activity. However, touristry has ill managed within its economic system, societal, and environmental contexts. The significance of the impacts of touristry can non be decently assessed. Advantage of touristry impact Harmonizing, Gawler ( 2001 ) believed that the advantages of touristry are economic development. Tourism is assisting to back up communities, peculiarly in rural countries. There are small dependances on urban Centres and imports to prolong touristry activity as we called decentralised . Tourism development frequently brings a scope of benefits to host communities. Improved substructure power, H2O, and telecommunications, services ( Bankss, conveyance ) and new investings, all serve to heighten the life styles of communities. Tourism can do a sense of community pride in their location. Tourism can interchange for cultural between communities and visitants. Tourism creates regional individuality both nationally and internationally. Conservation country attempts and provides effectual direction of important countries can acquire the fund for conservative and direction. Tourism can advance the saving. Otherwise, Mirbabayev and Shagazatova supported that Tourism can be both a beginning of international peace and apprehension. Here are possible positive effects of touristry: Tourism is developing positive attitudes towards each other civilization and larning about each other s civilization and imposts. Besides, Tourism is cut downing negative perceptual experiences and stereotypes. Tourism is developing friendly relationships and developing pride, grasp, apprehension, regard, and tolerance for each other s civilization. Finally, Tourism is increasing self-pride of hosts and tourers. Similarly, Lehmann ( 2005 ) said that touristry consists of portion of the retail, transit, eating house, housing, and amusement industries straight contribute to the travel sector. Tourism straight gave about $ 1.64 billion in Palm Beach County on 2004. Meanwhile, Sugiyarto, Blake, and Sinclair ( 2002 ) defined that the degrees of GDP and employment are increased by touristry growing. Trade, revenue enhancement and balance of payment can increase by touristry activity. Additional, Albqami ( 1997 ) said that touristry industry is increased ; the industry will necessitate to buy more input in the economic system to bring forth the extra end product. These purchases will excite extra end product. Disadvantage of touristry impact Harmonizing to, Rattanasuwongchai ( 1994 ) told that a immense figure of tourers exploit natural resources. Tourism has a heavy impact on the environment. In add-on, touristry demands more substructures, transit and other installations which can do environmental agony. Tourism caused environmental pollution from human waste, sewage into H2O beginnings, and rubbish. Without rigorous ordinances in land utilizing, most hotel may occupy the preservative countries. It can be cause of worsening in engagement in rural traditional. Similarly, Bartsch ( 1998 ) explained that Tourism in Ban Chaidee is does non replace any other activity, and agribusiness which is still regarded by people as most of import economic activity. Environmental harm and authorities policies have decreased the traditional resources of the villagers. The pollution caused by tourers, noise pollution tardily at dark. Furthermore, Khadka ( 1996 ) explained that Environmental and socio-cultural depletes may do touristry unsustainable. These factors can besides be regional in their nature or impact. Otherwise, Sherpa ( 2006 ) said that tourers had a negative consequence to loss of rural civilization. In extra, Suntikul ( 2008 ) told that tourers took a critical the cultural in touristry pattern, and the host civilization. Tourism is presenting negative impacts to Luang Prabang.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Biography of Henry V of England
Biography of Henry V of England An icon of chivalry, a conquering hero, an exemplar of kingship and a supreme self-publicist, Henry V is among the triumvirate of the most famous English monarchs. Unlike Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, Henry V forged his legend in a little over nine years, but the long-term effects of his victories were few and many historians find something unpleasant in the arrogantly determined, albeit charismatic, young king. Even without Shakespeares attention, Henry V would still be fascinating modern readers. Birth and Early Life The future Henry V was born Henry of Monmouth at Monmouth Castle into one of Englands most powerful noble families. His parents were Henry Bolingbroke, Earl of Derby, a man who had once tried to curb the ambitions of his cousin, King Richard II, but now acted loyally, and Mary Bohun, heir to a rich chain of estates. His grandfather was John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, third son of Edward III, a staunch supporter of Richard II, and the most powerful English noble of the age. At this point, Henry was not considered an heir to the throne and his birth was thus not recorded formally enough for a definitive date to have survived. Historians cant agree on whether Henry was born on August 9th or September 16th, in 1386 or 1387. The current leading biography, by Allmand, uses 1386; however, the introductory work by Dockray uses 1387. Henry was the oldest of six children and he received the best upbringing an English noble could have, including training in martial skills, riding, and forms of hunting. He also received an education in music, harp, literature, and spoke three languages- Latin, French, and English- making him unusually highly educated. Some sources claim that the young Henry was sickly and puny in childhood, but these descriptions didn’t follow him past puberty. Tensions in Court In 1397 Henry Bolingbroke reported treasonous comments made by the Duke of Norfolk; a court was convened but, as it was one Dukes word against another, trial by battle was arranged. It never took place. Instead, Richard II intervened in 1398 by exiling Bolingbroke for ten years and Norfolk for life. Subsequently, Henry of Monmouth found himself a guest at the royal court. While the word hostage was never used, there was underlying tension behind his presence and the implicit threat to Bolingbroke should he disobey. However, the childless Richard appeared to have a genuine fondness for young Henry and he knighted the boy. Becoming the Heir In 1399, Henrys grandfather, John of Gaunt, died. Bolingbroke should have inherited his fathers estates but Richard II revoked them, kept them for himself and extended Bolingbrokes exile to life. By this time, Richard was already unpopular, seen as an ineffective and increasingly autocratic ruler but his treatment of Bolingbroke cost him the throne. If the most powerful English family could lose their land so arbitrarily and illegally; if the most loyal of all men is rewarded by his heirs disinheritance; what rights did other landowners have against this king? Popular support swung to Bolingbroke, who returned to England where he was met by many who urged him to seize the throne from Richard. This task was completed with little opposition the same year. On October 13th, 1399, Henry Bolingbroke became Henry IV of England, and two days later Henry of Monmouth was accepted by Parliament as heir to the throne, Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall, and Earl of Chester. Two months later he was given the further titles Duke of Lancaster and Duke of Aquitaine.​ Relationship with Richard II Henrys rise to heir had been sudden and due to factors beyond his control, but his relationship with Richard II, especially during 1399, is unclear. Richard had taken Henry on an expedition to crush rebels in Ireland and, upon hearing of Bolingbrokes invasion, confronted Henry with the fact of his fathers treason. The encounter, allegedly recorded by one chronicler, ends with Richard agreeing that Henry was innocent of his fathers acts. Although he still imprisoned Henry in Ireland when he returned to fight Bolingbroke, Richard made no further threats against him. Furthermore, sources suggest that when Henry was released, he traveled to see Richard rather than return directly to his father. Is it possible that Henry felt more loyalty to Richard- as a king or a father figure- than to Bolingbroke? Prince Henry agreed to Richards imprisonment but it is unclear whether this and Henry IVs decision to have Richard murdered had any effect on later events, such as the younger Henrys impatience to usurp his father or his choice to rebury Richard with full regal honors in Westminster Abbey. We dont know for certain. Experience in Battle Henry Vs reputation as a leader began forming in his teenage years, as he and took on responsibilities in the government of the realm. One example of this is the Welsh uprising led by Owain Glyn DÃ… µr. When the small uprising swiftly grew into a full-scale rebellion against the English crown, Henry, as Prince of Wales, had a responsibility to help fight this treason. Consequently, Henrys household moved to Chester in 1400 with Henry Percy, nicknamed Hotspur, in charge of military affairs. Hotspur was an experienced campaigner from whom the young prince was expected to learn. However, after several years of ineffective cross-border raiding, the Percys rebelled against Henry IV, culminating in the Battle of Shrewsbury on July 21st, 1403. The prince was wounded in the face by an arrow but refused to leave the fight. In the end, the kings army was victorious, Hotspur was killed, and the younger Henry famed throughout England for his courage. Lessons Learned in Wales Following the Battle of Shrewsbury, Henrys involvement in military strategy increased greatly and he began forcing a change in tactics, away from raids and into the control of land through strong points and garrisons. Any progress was initially hampered by a chronic lack of funding- at one point, Henry was paying for the entire war from his own estates. By 1407, fiscal reforms facilitated the sieging of Glyn DÃ… µr castles, which finally fell by the end of 1408. With the rebellion fatally, Wales was brought back under English control just two years later. Henrys successes as king can be clearly tied to the lessons he learned in Wales, particularly the value of controlling strongpoints, approaches to dealing with the tedium and difficulties of besieging them, and the need for proper supply lines and a reliable source of adequate finances. He also experienced the exercise of royal power. Involvement in Politics From 1406 to 1411, Henry played an ever-increasing role in the Kings Council, the body of men who ran the nations administration. In 1410, Henry took overall command of the council; however, the opinions and policies Henry favored were often counter to those favored by his fater- particularly where France was concerned. In 1411, the king became so irked that he dismissed his son from the council altogether. Parliament, however, were impressed by both the princes energetic rule and his attempts to reform government finances.​ In 1412, the king organized an expedition to France led by Henrys brother, Prince Thomas. Henry- possibly still angry or sulking over his expulsion from the council- refused to go. The campaign was a failure and Henry was accused of staying in England to plot a coup against the king. Henry denied these accusations vigorously, obtaining a promise from Parliament to investigate and personally protesting his innocence to his father. Later in the year, more rumors emerged, this time claiming the Prince had stolen funds earmarked for a siege of Calais. After much protest, Henry was again found innocent. Threat of Civil War and Ascension to the Throne Henry IV had never secured universal support for his seizure of the crown from Richard and by the end of 1412, his familys supporters were drifting into armed and angry factions. Fortunately for the unity of England, people realized Henry IV was terminally ill before these factions were mobilized and efforts were made to obtain peace between father, son, and brother. Henry IV died on March 20th, 1413, but if he had remained healthy, would his son have started an armed conflict to clear his name, or even seize the crown? It is impossible to know. Instead, Henry was proclaimed king on March 21st, 1413, and crowned as Henry V on April 9th. Throughout 1412, the younger Henry seemed to have been acting with righteous confidence, even arrogance and was clearly chafing against the rule of his father, but legends claim that the wild prince turned into a pious and determined man overnight. There may not be much truth in those tales, but Henry probably did appear to change in character as he fully adopted the mantle of King. Finally able to direct his great energy into his chosen policies, Henry began acting with the dignity and authority he believed was his duty and his accession was broadly welcomed. Early Reforms For the first two years of his reign, Henry worked hard to reform and solidify his nation in preparation for war. The dire royal finances were given a thorough overhaul by streamlining and maximizing the existing system. The resulting gains werent enough to fund a campaign overseas, but Parliament was grateful for the effort and Henry built on this to cultivate a strong working relationship with the Commons, resulting in generous grants of taxation from the people to fund a campaign in France. Parliament was also impressed with Henrys drive to tackle the general lawlessness into which vast areas of England had sunk. The peripatetic courts worked much harder than in Henry IVs reign to tackle crime, reducing the number of armed bands and trying to solve the long-term disagreements which fomented local conflict. The chosen methods, however, reveal Henrys continued eye on France, for many criminals were simply pardoned for their crimes in return for military service abroad. The emphasis was less on punishing crime than channeling that energy towards France. Uniting the Nation Perhaps the most important campaign Henry undertook in this phase was to unite the nobles and common people of England behind him. He showed and practiced a willingness to forgive and pardon families who had opposed Henry IV, none more so than the Earl of March, the lord Richard II had designated as his heir. Henry freed March from imprisonment and returned the Earls landed estates. In return, Henry expected absolute obedience and he moved quickly and decisively to stamp out any dissent. In 1415 the Earl of March informed on plans to put him on the throne which, in truth, were merely the grumblings of three disaffected lords who had already abandoned their ideas. Henry acted swiftly to execute the plotters and remove their opposition. Henry also acted against the spreading belief in Lollardy, a pre-Protestant Christian movement, which many nobles felt was a threat to Englands very society and which had previously had sympathizers at court. A commission was created to identify all Lollards and a Lollard-led rebellion was swiftly put down. Henry issued a general pardon to all those who surrendered and repented. Through these acts, Henry made sure the nation saw him as acting decisively to crush both dissent and religious deviance, underlining his position as Englands leader and Christian protector while also binding the nation further around him. Honoring Richard II Henry had Richard IIs body moved and reinterred with full regal honors in Westminster Cathedral. Possibly done out of fondness for the former king, the reburial was a political masterstroke. Henry IV, whose claim to the throne was legally and morally dubious, hadnt dared perform any act which gave legitimacy to the man he usurped. Henry V, on the other hand, demonstrated confidence in himself and his right to rule, as well as a respect for Richard which pleased any of the latters remaining supporters. The codification of a rumor that Richard II once remarked how Henry would be king, most certainly done with Henrys approval, turned him into the heir of both Henry IV and Richard II. Statebuilding Henry actively encouraged the idea of England as a nation separate from others, most importantly when it came to language. When Henry, a tri-lingual king, ordered all government documents to be written in vernacular English (the language of the normal English peasant) it was the first time it had ever happened. The ruling classes of England had used Latin and French for centuries, but Henry encouraged a cross-class use of English that was markedly different from the continent. While the motive for most of Henrys reforms was configuring the nation to fight France, he also fulfilled almost all the criteria by which kings were to be judged: good justice, sound finance, true religion, political harmony, accepting counsel and nobility. Only one remained: success in war. English kings had claimed parts of the European mainland ever since William, Duke of Normandy, won the throne in 1066, but the size and legitimacy of these holdings varied through struggles with the competing French crown. Not only did Henry consider it his legal right and duty to recover these lands, but he also believed honestly and utterly in his right to the rival throne, as first claimed by Edward III. At every stage of his French campaigns, Henry went to great lengths to be seen as acting legally and royally. In France, King Charles VI was mad and the French nobility had split into two warring camps: the Armagnacs, formed around Charles son, and the Burgundians, formed around John, Duke of Burgundy. Henry saw a way to take advantage of this situation. As a prince, he had supported the Burgundian faction, but as the king, he played the two against each other simply to claim hed tried to negotiate. In June 1415, Henry broke talks off and on August 11 began what became known as the Agincourt Campaign. Military Victories at Agincourt and Normandy Henrys first target was the port of Harfleur, a French naval base and potential supply point for the English armies. It fell, but only after a protracted siege which saw Henrys army reduced in numbers and affected by illness. With winter approaching, Henry decided to march his force overland to Calais despite being opposed by his commanders. They felt the scheme was too risky, as a major French force was gathering to meet their weakened troops. At Agincourt on October 25th, an army of both French factions blocked the English and forced them to battle. The French should have crushed the English, but a combination of deep mud, social convention, and French mistakes led to an overwhelming English victory. Henry completed his march to Calais, where he was greeted like a hero. In military terms, victory at Agincourt simply allowed Henry to escape catastrophe and deterred the French from further pitched battles, but politically the impact was enormous. The English further united around their conquering king, Henry became one of the most famous men in Europe and the French factions splintered again in shock. Having obtained vague promises of help from John the Fearless in 1416, Henry returned to France in July 1417 with a clear objective: the conquest of Normandy. He maintained his army in France consistently for three years, methodically besieging towns and castles and installing new garrisons. By June 1419 Henry controlled the vast majority of Normandy. Admittedly, warring between the French factions meant little national opposition was organized but it was nonetheless a supreme achievement. Equally notable are the tactics Henry used. This wasnt a plundering chevauchà ©e as favored by previous English kings, but a determined attempt to bring Normandy under permanent control. Henry was acting as rightful king and allowing those who accepted him to keep their land. There was still brutality- he destroyed those who opposed him and grew increasingly violent- but he was far more controlled, magnanimous, and answerable to the law than before. The War for France On May 29th, 1418, while Henry and his forces advanced further into France, John the Fearless captured Paris, slaughtered the Armagnac garrison and took command of Charles VI and his court. Negotiations had continued between the three sides throughout this period, but the Armagnacs and Burgundians grew close again in the summer of 1419. A united France would have threatened Henry Vs success, but even in the face of continued defeats at the hands of Henry, the French could not overcome their internal divisions. At a meeting of the Dauphin and John the Fearless on September 10th, 1419, John was assassinated. Reeling, the Burgundians reopened negotiations with Henry. By Christmas, an agreement was in place and on 21st May 1420, the Treaty of Troyes signed. Charles VI remained King of France, but Henry became his heir, married his daughter Katherine and acted as de facto ruler of France. Charles son, the Dauphin Charles, was barred from the throne and Henrys line would follow. On June 2nd, Henry married Katherine of Valois and on December 1st, 1420 he entered Paris. Unsurprisingly, the Armagnacs rejected the treaty. Untimely Death In early 1421, Henry returned to England, motivated by the need to acquire more funds and mollify Parliament. He spent the winter besieging Meaux, one of the Dauphins last northern strongholds, before it fell in May 1422. During this time his only child, Henry, had been born, but the king had also fallen ill and had to be literally carried to the next siege. He died on August 31st, 1422 at Bois de Vincennes. Successes and Legacy Henry V perished at the height of his power, only a few months following Charles VIs death and his coronation as King of France. In his nine-year reign, he had demonstrated the ability to manage a nation through hard work and an eye for detail. He had shown a charisma which inspired soldiers and a balance of justice and forgiveness with reward and punishment that united a nation and provided the framework on which he based his strategies. He had proved himself a planner and commander equal to the greatest of his era, keeping an army in the field constantly overseas for three years. While Henry had benefited greatly from the civil war being waged in France, his opportunism and ability to react enabled him to exploit the situation fully. Henry fulfilled every criterion demanded of a good king. Weaknesses It is entirely possible that Henry died just at the right time for his legend to remain, and that another nine years would have tarnished it greatly. The goodwill and support of the English people were definitely wavering by 1422 as the money was drying up and Parliament had mixed feelings towards Henrys seizure of the crown of France. The English people wanted a strong, successful king, but they were concerned about his level of interest in France and they certainly didnt want to pay for a prolonged conflict there. Ultimately, historys view of Henry is colored by the Treaty of Troyes. On the one hand, Troyes established Henry as the heir to France. However, Henrys rival heir, the Dauphin retained strong support and rejected the treaty. Troyes thus committed Henry to a long and expensive war against a faction who still controlled roughly half of France, a war which might take decades before the treaty could be enforced and for which his resources were running out. The task of properly establishing the Lancastrians as dual kings of England and France was probably impossible, but many also consider the dynamic and determined Henry as one of the few people able to do it. Henrys personality undermines his reputation. His confidence was part of an iron will and fanatical determination that hints at a cold, aloof character masked by the glow of victories. Henry seems to have focused on his rights and goals above those of his kingdom. As ​prince, Henry pushed for greater power and, as an ailing king, his last will made no provision for the care of the kingdom after his death. Instead, he spent his energies arranging twenty-thousand masses to be performed in his honor. At the time of his death, Henry had been growing more intolerant of enemies, ordering ever more savage reprisals and forms of war and may have been becoming increasingly autocratic. Conclusion Henry V of England was undoubtedly a gifted man and one of few to shape history to his design, but his self-belief and ability came at the expense of personality. He was one of the great military commanders of his age- acting from a genuine sense of right, not a cynical politician- but his ambition may have committed him to treaties beyond even his ability to enforce. Despite the achievements of his reign, including uniting the nation around him, creating peace between crown and parliament, and winning a throne, Henry left no long-term political or military legacy. The Valois reconquered France and retook the throne within forty years, while the Lancastrian line failed and England collapsed into civil war. What Henry did leave was a legend and a greatly enhanced national consciousness.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Advanced Nursing Role Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Advanced Nursing Role - Essay Example n FNP is an educated professional possessing a Masters Degree in Nursing and credentials as per the state board of nursing or national certification offered by several agencies i.e. American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. From this education, the FNP provides ample medical care to children and adults. Depending on the setting, the degree of independence for an FNP varies. This means that an FNP at times may work together with a physician and at other times completely independent of a physician. According to Poghosyan et al., (2013) independent advanced nurses produce impeccable results in the workforce, promoting ideal practice and services (p. 325-334). The role and other medical duties of the FNP range as per the state of the licensure. Below are the roles of an FNP as discussed by Poghosyan et al., (2013); Hansen-Turton et al., (2009); Jones et al., (2011) The nurse practitioner provides direct health care services. An FNP gets health histories of patients as well as performs the necessary physical examinations. Moreover, this health practitioner also performs functional, development, and psychosocial assessment. The FNP has the capability of interpreting any medical situation. An FNP also has the role of performing minor surgery or procedure for any age group. These duties outline the role of health promotion, disease prevention, health protection, and treatment (Hansen-Turton et al., 2009). An FNP’s duty is to diagnose and develop a management plan for chronic such as HTN, diabetes, asthma and acute conditions such as cardiac diseases and neuromuscular conditions as well as monitor the patient’s response (Poghosyan et al., 2013). An FNP has the power to order and interpret any diagnostic study, and come up with a therapeutic plan. This is inclusive of prescribing medications as per the given case study. However, the prescription of medication is dependent as per state regulation. An FNP ought to handle situations well in the achievement of improved
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Creative brief Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Creative brief - Essay Example The information is equally vital in determining emerging lifestyles, habits, and way of thinking because the creative design team finds relevance with the single parent. Evaluation of the psychographic information, on the other hand, helps the team in designing both interesting and smart products that appeal to the single parent who prefers IKEA products. A single parent in the above case is in her late 30s, uses modern communication platforms such as emails, Facebook, and Twitter, and prefers e-commerce delivery systems. Consequently, it is upon the creative design team to assess new marketing tools that match the customer’s tastes and preferences while targeting the wider market segment. That suggests that advertising attracts clients similar to the single parent with the need to expand the business in terms of increased profits (Sutherland 156). The message, thus, is to add more people through innovative ways that do not interfere with the overall operation of the business. As a result, audiences would believe this message because it resonates with their desires and contemporary ways of conducting
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Christmas Carol Essay Example for Free
Christmas Carol Essay Have you ever met a man so jolly that you could see he was all in a glow and so jolly that his euphoric spirit just poured off him like wine into a glass? Or, possibly, you have met a man so poor that his warmth for the winter is a mere flicker of a flame on a candlewick? Dickens demonstrates through the use of such characters that it does not matter how much money you posses, a person can hold a personality and characteristics independent of their financial status. Scrooges nephew, Fred, is a charismatic young man, who, lives each second as though it were his last. Most importantly, Fred thinks a great deal about Christmas and how it should be celebrated with great caring spirit. Fred asks Scrooge to dine with them on Christmas Day, but Scrooge explains he would see him in extremity first. This shows the cruel, cold-hearted nature of Mr. Scrooge. But for Scrooges nephew to leave the room without an angry word proves that Fred is a true, delightful person that opens his care to even the most miserable of people. As Fred leaves the building and passes by Bob Cratchit, the clerk, he bestows the greetings of the season on the clerk This scene has a great importance to show, the pleasant nature of Fred and the depressing character of Scrooge. In this same scene, Dickens under-mines the whole reason for the importance of Fred and Bob. Fred, although not as rich as Scrooge, still manages to enjoy his wealth and be a jolly person. Scrooge is unbelievably wealthy, and yet he does not spend even the smallest amount of his money to enjoy himself. What reason have you to be merry? Youre poor enough. This shows that Scrooge thinks all happiness is to do with wealth, yet if that were true, he would be happy himself, would he not? It is apparent, therefore, that Dickens created Fred as another side of the Rich Man character that we see in Scrooge, the stereotypical miserable rich loner. Bob, unlike Fred, is the Poor Man and the antithesis of Scrooge in the story. Thus, Dickens created a symbolic character to emulate the Lower classes. He is treated so unbelievably cruelly by Scrooge, yet, he remains a cheerful man who enjoys his Christmas. Without Fred and Bob, the story would not show that money means nothing in terms of happiness. We meet Fred again at his Christmas party, as people put Scrooge down with horrible but vital words to the moral, His wealth is of no use to him. He dont do any good with it. This action helps us to understand that although Scrooge could give pleasure with the wealth his possesses, he does not and is miserable. Fred helps the reader to understand, by explaining that Scrooge should not be despised but pitied. Fred quietly explained to us the first time we met him, Scrooges money does him no good and that his offences carry their own punishment. Fred is almost the complete opposite of Mr. Scrooge and the scene shows how compassionate he is and how caring he can be. This is important to the story because it gives Scrooge a chance to redeem himself from the mistakes he has made and shows us that someone in the world still cares for him. It also shows us what Scrooge can become, for both Fred and Scrooge come from very similar backgrounds. If Fred can enjoy Christmas, why cant Scrooge? Although Bob is unlike Fred in the sense that they do not own the same amount of money, they are similar when you compare their loving nature. Bob cares so much for his family that when he is told his daughter is not coming for Christmas dinner, his joyous nature collapses and he has a sudden declension of high spirits. Also, when Bob gives a toast to Mr Scrooge his wife insults Scrooge; Even though Scrooge depreciates Bob, Bob honours his authority by standing up for his dignity and demonstrates his loyalty to Scrooge. This character, like Fred, is caring but makes the reader believe that Scrooge is an awful cold-hearted man and to be so hurtful to such a joyful man is inhumane. That is why at the end of the story we understand that scrooge has changed because he now shows that he can also care for these characters and that by giving others money and caring for his workers, one of the morals of this story is explicated. Such an important personality cannot be missed for many of the morals throughout these staves. The importance of these characters cannot be put on a scale, but I can say that these characters are needed for the story to progress and without them; such significant messages cannot be made. I conclude that, although the names of the characters may not matter, the overall situations and characters of Fred and Bob, are pivotal because they show that it does not matter how much money you have, you can still be happy, honour others and make others happy. Fred and Bob are employed by Charles Dickens to show this in antithesis to Scrooge.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Narrative Criticism of McPhee :: Monopoly New Jersey Essays
Narrative Criticism of McPhee "Do not pass go. Do not collect two hundred dollars." We’ve all heard these phrasesfromthe board game Monopoly. Monopoly, however, isn’t merely a game.It wasbased on an actual city. "The Search for Marvin Gardens" tells of Monopoly’s relation to Atlantic City, NJ. In this narrative criticism I will examine several main characteristics of the piece. In doing so, I will try to answer the question, "How has Atlantic City changed due to a greedy, capitalistic attitude?" I believe that this question makes a good connection to thepiece’s description of the changes in the features of the city. "The Search forMarvin Gardens" is a section of the book Pieces of the Frame byJohn McPhee. Farrar, Straus, and Giroux published the piece in 1975. Thecomposition itself is fifteen pages long. It tells of Monopoly’s connectionsto a realworld location, Atlantic City, NJ. In order to write a narrative criticism of McPhee’s "The Search for Marvin Gardens",I firstread and gave a comprehensive examination of the narrative. To dothis,I looked at several characteristics of the piece. I decided that thesetting,the characters, and the theme were the most important characteristicstothis piece. Other characteristics such as the narrator, events, temporalrelations, casual relations, and audience are not quite as important inmycriticism of this piece. To look at the important characteristics, youmustask yourself questions about the piece. How does the setting changethroughoutthe piece? How does the setting relate to the plot and characters?How isthe setting created? Who are the main characters? What are the physicalandmental traits of the characters? What is the major theme of the narrative?There are several other questions you may ask, but they do not prove asrelevantto this piece. The aforementioned questions are significant becausethey helpanswer t he research question. A participant in a game of Monopoly narrates the piece. He not only pictures the game board. He sees the corresponding locations in Atlantic City. The plot line ofthe story follows the narrator in search of Marvin Gardens. Along the wayhe sees the difference between the way things were, and the way they usedto be. In "The Search for Marvin Gardens", there are basically four physical settings: the Monopoly tournament, Marvin Gardens, Atlantic City of the past, and Atlantic Cityin the 1970s. McPhee alternates between the settings with great regularity,and the tempo of the story is constantly changing.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
From Man to Boy
Lemons. The author makes his first stand at the very opening of the work with this hard peeled, soft-fleshed visual. The sour fruit, which is cut into by the narrator at the beginning of John R. Coleman’s, essay From Man to Boy, stands as a metaphor for the life circumstances in which he continues to find himself and others. The choice allows for a much shorter opening to the essay by utilizing the well-known allegory of the lemon as an acerbic, broken object or happenstance from which the owner has no means of escape. In the beginning lines Coleman produces the appearance of a setting in which the weight of an entire world the reader does not have to see to believe in, is resting on the shoulders of the narrator. He does this by coupling the lemon with a position of employment that is both low on the wage scale, and limited in skill requirements. Even the waitress, a position most readers will equate with being lesser in station, looks down on the work, therefore the worth, of the narrator. This immediately sets up the main character as a victim of his surroundings and appeals to the reader for compassionate understanding and perhaps even pity. This appeal is sustained by the dialogue between the co-workers when Dana tells Jack â€Å"It’s no use†(LaRocco, 128) trying to change the attitude and belief of the waitress who called him a boy. The writer tells the audience, in the same paragraph, that Dana was working this job even as he, the narrator, was reading the billboards’ insidious warnings. In doing so, the narrator is offering up tangible evidence for the argument of an irredeemable quality of ignorance in the world. The argument of ignorance is juxtaposed against the theme of education. The billboards, a metaphor for society’s spoken standards versus their actual behaviors, promise the worthy and dedicated student a life free of discrimination, bias, and general condemnation. What the writer declares to be the truth of the matter however, is that reality falls far short of the pledge. Life is a lemon. Education does not prevent the action from happening; the waitress still calls him a boy. What education provided him with was a means to recognize the insult and therefore be injured by it. This injury is noted in the sad look on Dana’s face. The exposure of the treatment of the housekeepers by the students at the college serves to call further attention to the wide spread plight of the working class. At the same time, it presents an argument that educated people are as likely to fall into the pattern of abuse, yet more likely to change their behavior once it is questioned. The narrator seems to convince the students to cease the use of the term â€Å"wombats (128),†however he also makes clear that it does not erase the ramifications of the actions for those who were abused by them. Naming them as â€Å"the cleaning women (129)†continues a convention from the beginning that says much about society by not saying anything at all. Coleman maintains Dana and himself as the only individuals worthy of names, therefore individual identities, in the short piece. Doing this preserves the notion of a singular hero with only nominal support attacking the great beast of society without actually coming forward and declaring himself a hero. Rather than failing to define himself as the hero of the episode, Coleman comes closer to refusing it. This leaves him on the same playing field as his audience, which acts in tandem with his stylistic choices in the text. By using the quick, almost darting motions of his statements, and the clipped pacing of short paragraphs and a barely over one page essay, he keeps the reader not only involved but in step with the narrative voice. In order to make points with the intended audience of blue collar working class America, Coleman does all he can to avoid triggering the alienation he is so adamantly set out to battle. Simplicity is the key to the peace. Coleman gets in, makes his point in clear, concise terms, and gets out. This appeal to the working class reader for whom this particular piece is written is continued with a lack of satire in the essay. The simple vocabulary, short sentence construction, and lack of word play beyond the lemon all feed into the assembly of a connection between the writer and blue collar America. He never feels the need to address the existence of those high paying white collar positions directly, while they are inferred by the PhD, the collegiate tack of the students, and the billboards with their empty promises. Reference to the Quaker tradition further exposes the intention of the author to connect with a wholesome and righteous way of life. This is the assumed role many hard working laborers aspire to. The association of Godliness with the Quaker traditions works on another metaphorical level with the housekeepers when the saying is considered; Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Throughout the entire essay, Coleman does his best to solidify his roots in this working class in order to achieve a single goal. The final remark returns to the scene of the first crime in the work, a seemingly flippant remark about being a boy who cuts lemons. By returning to this line the narrator takes a stand for all of the young men who have had to defend their honor as men simply because they were not making money in the right tax bracket. Coleman combines this with an appeal to the student from working class family to be aware of the results of their choices in treating others before the damage is done. Overall, he produces a very effective essay that is driven on the backs of metaphors and unspoken pieces of the puzzle, which are alluded to behind sweeping statements designed to stir the primal instinct of honor and self preservation in the face of societal imposed duress. Work Cited LaRocco, C (Ed.). (1995). The Art Of Work : An Anthology of Workplace Literature. McGraw- Hill.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Sprint Financial Condition
Sprint Nextel Corporation is the third largest wireless communications company in the United States offering a comprehensive range of wireless and wireline communications products and services that are designed to meet the needs of individual consumers, businesses, and government subscribers. Sprint Nextel Corporation has seen revenues shrink from $35. 6 billion to 32. 3 billion, though the company was able to grow net income from a loss of $2. 8 billion to a smaller loss of $2. billion. A reduction in the percentage of sales devoted to selling, general and administrative costs from 31. 5% to 29. 30% was a key component in the bottom line growth in the face of falling revenues. Although debt as a percent of total capital increased at Sprint Nextel Corporation over the last fiscal year, it is still in-line with the wireless telecommunication services industry’s norm. Additionally, there are enough liquid assets to satisfy current obligations. Accounts Receivable is typical for the industry, with an average 40 day average collection period. Last, inventories seem to be well managed as the inventory processing period is typical for the industry, at 18 days. In tough economic times, Sprint is generating substantial cash and reducing costs to ensure to remain financially sound. They have cash on hand to be able to meet their debt requirements. The company is expected to continue generating positive free cash flow during 2009. Sprint Nextel Corporation has been having a rough time trying to keep up with its competitions, AT&T and Verizon. Sprint Nextel has been posting loss after loss, loss in profit, loss in number of subscribers, and so on, but despite how things appear on the surface, analyst appear to be optimistic with the future outcome of Sprint Nextel financial position. There is no indication as to how long it will take Sprint Nextel to accomplish this goal, the numbers are consistently moving in a positive direction.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Case Study, Disney
Case Study, Disney Transformation of managerial skills Since its foundation, Disney has experienced transformations in managerial skills. The transformations have been due to the changing business environment and as Samson Daft assert, managers should align their skills with the relevant strategies for business survival and expansion in this changing market (2009, p.83). As illustrated, managerial skill’s transformation depends on economic situation of the organization.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Case Study, Disney specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Participative to scientific management skills At its foundation, Walter and his brother, Roy, clearly understood that for the company to grow stably and compete effectively, it required teamwork and cooperation. The managers therefore deployed participative skills in the organization’s administration. In fact, Walter advocated for cooperation and teamwork among the ‘ members’ of the organization regardless of the position one held. However, during Eisner’ period the focus was no more on the foundation. The managerial skills transformed from participative to scientific in which Eisner focused on the best way to do things; Eisner dedicated his strength to creativity. Specialization to innovation skills Walter and Roy deployed specialization and division of labour during the foundation. Walter specialized in production while Roy headed the finances. In specialization, managers focus on the output of each individual with little regard of their individual development. This managerial skill was significant for the setting of strong foundation of the Disney Company. Eisner on his part focused on growth and development of individual employees. In order to leverage the company’s financial situation after Walter’s death, Eisner encouraged innovation among the employees through the concept of learning organization. By introducti on of cross-divisional initiatives, Eisner deployed not only specialization skills but also innovation skills among the employees. Hybrid style of leadership Initially, Walter and Roy focused on employees’ completion of duties with little concern about their specific needs. They demonstrate leadership style in which employees are ‘free to think’. Walter emphasized on performance regardless of the position of the employee. In order to revive the company’s financial situation, Eisner deployed conglomerate of leadership skills. Learning organization aimed to develop the employees, whereas the cross-divisional initiatives meant to improve the performance each employee. In his leadership, Eisner therefore used both skills of people-oriented and task-oriented styles. Eisner developed ‘organizational hierarchy’ through his emphasize for skilled managers. This evidences that Eisner used some bureaucratic skills to manage the organization.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Learning Organisation Disney should adopt the concept of learning organization in order to benefit from the advantages it presents to the businesses in the dynamic market of the 21st century. In order to realize effective expansion and fulfil the dreams of the founder, Walter, Disney management should adopt the concept of learning organization. Expansion of business requires motivated management and employees. Since for decades the management focus has been on ‘task-completion’ without regard of individual development, it is important to empower employees through learning organization. Learning organization encourages rewards and punishment based on performance. The management should develop an evaluation strategy to reward those who perform excellently and punish underperformers. As a result, high performer feel empowered while und erperformer feel challenged. Once challenged, the underperformers have to improve. In effect, the overall performance and expansion of Disney will improve. Innovation is integral part of strategic planning for creative companies such as Disney. With the dynamic technologies in creativity, Disney has to keep its systems updated, which will guarantee it a considerable market share for its products. Learning organization enhances innovation of technologies among the employees. Such technologies should be specific for completion of tasks within the organization. Learning organization encourages the management to provide employees with challenging tasks. Since the employees have to accomplish these tasks, despite the challenges, they have to research and consult on the effective means of handling the challenges. Research enables capacity development and growth of individual employees. At Disney, the shop floor employees will acquire more skills and boost their level of innovation and con sequently, the organization will experience high-level creativity for a competitive position in the industry. Learning organization enhances globalization. As illustrated in the case, Roy’s attempt to new ventures of the business resulted into financial crisis of the organization. Globalization and trading in international market has a direct correlation with expansion in terms of product and services of a business. Roy’s failure was a result of lack of learning organization principles. Learning organization enhances innovation and creativity. Innovation results into creation of efficient methods and procedures of ‘production’. Efficient methods mean mass production of high quality and low cost products. Products with such features attract more customers in the market. Learning organization would therefore enhance Disney’s trade in the international market and compete with the leading players in the industry.Advertising We will write a custo m essay sample on Case Study, Disney specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Eisner’s Management skills Scientific managerial skills Eisner’s introduction of learning organization illustrates deployment of scientific skills of management. Scientific management dictates for four strategies of management, which aligns to characteristics of learning organization. The management should reward and punish employees on their basis of performance. The employees should develop the best and creative ways of accomplishing their duties. In scientific management, the manager should plan and control the employees and by using learning organization, Eisner introduced scientific skills of management. Some aspects of this skill could be applicable to the today’s management. However, the managers should be involved not only in planning, as depicted by the management theory, but also in active engagement of the plan. By doing so, these managers w ill have what Eisner refers to as ‘hand-on skill’. In turn, it enhances efficiency in accomplishment of the organizational plans. Capacity development skills In his leadership, Eisner focused on innovation of individual employees. Learning organization encourages innovation, as earlier noted. Eisner once noted â€Å"Synergy, For Us, Goes with Creativity†(Walt Disney Co, 2011, p.2). This emphasizes his efforts to enhance creativity. In this way, Eisner deployed the skill of capacity development for it employees. The market dynamics experienced in the current business world is a result of changing technologies in creativity. To compete in such situations therefore, today’s managers should use this management skill. Learning organization skill Learning organization is a management skill in itself. Eisner introduced the skill to motivate the employees as â€Å"motivated employees develop the own-drive to undertake their duties†(Samson Daft, 2009, p. 84). To achieve this strategy, the management should assign duties to the employees based on interest and hard work. In this way, the employees perform their duties effectively. In fact, Eisner’ success at Disney was due to learning organization. Since learning organization acts to motivate employees, current managers can still use it to motivate their employees. With the changing market, managers should apply the learning organization skill to empower employees to meet these dynamics. Hybrid leadership skill As noted, Eisner combined aspects of different leadership styles to leverage the financial situation of the organization. He combined the aspects of people-oriented and task-oriented leadership. His emphasis on creativity and capacity building of individual employees manifests this fact.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Bureaucratic aspects were also eminent in his management. For instance, his focus on employing highly experienced and skilled managers reveals the ‘organizational hierarchy’ in the company. Hybrid skills are practical to the management of this century because decision-making varies with situations and time. Since these changes are complex, managers find it difficult to apply a single style of leadership in management. References Samson, D., Daft, R. L. (2009). Leading in Organizations: Management. South Melbourne, Vic.: Cengage Learning Australia. Walt Disney Co. (2011). Once upon a time at Disney. Retrieved from https://dpep.disney.com/
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A Bear of Very Many Words Winnie-the-Pooh in the Dictionary
A Bear of Very Many Words Winnie-the-Pooh in the Dictionary A Bear of Very Many Words: Winnie-the-Pooh in the Dictionary Did you know that today, January 18, was A. A. Milne’s birthday? To mark this, people around the world are celebrating Milne’s much-loved creation, Winnie-the-Pooh. And for Winnie-the-Pooh Day this year, we thought we’d take a quick look at the language of Pooh. Pooh and friends. But what can a bear of very little brain offer the English language? More than you might expect! In fact, if we look at the Oxford English Dictionary, Pooh and his friends pop up a few times†¦ 1. Pooh-Sticks Perhaps the most obvious bit of Pooh in the dictionary comes with â€Å"pooh-sticks.†This is the game that Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends play by dropping sticks into a river on the upstream side of a bridge. The contestants then rush to the other side to see whose stick emerges first. This might not sound like a competitive sport, but the World Poohsticks Championships have been taking place in England for 35 years now! Pooh-sticks in action.(Photo: Malc McDonald) 2. Eeyore and Tigger Among Pooh’s friends in the Hundred Acre Wood, Eeyore and Tigger stand out for their contributions to the English language. Eeyore, the downbeat donkey, appears in the OED as a term for a â€Å"pessimistic, gloomy, or habitually disconsolate person†(or you can use the adjective â€Å"Eeyore-like, if you prefer). A â€Å"Tigger,†on the other hand, is defined as an â€Å"exuberant, energetic, and cheerful person.†The famously bouncy tiger has also inspired two adjectives: â€Å"Tiggerish†and â€Å"Tigger-like.†It seems, then, that Winnie-the-Pooh offers terms for people of very different temperaments! 3. Heffalumps and Woozles In A. A. Milne’s writing, heffalumps and woozles are (possibly imaginary) creatures that steal honey. And since Winnie-the-Pooh is really, truly very fond of honey, he has to be wary of these sneaky beasts! The words â€Å"heffalump†and â€Å"woozle,†and the creatures’ appearances, are based on the English words â€Å"elephant†and â€Å"weasel,†respectively. But outside of Milne’s writing, â€Å"heffalump†has become a playful word for real-life elephants (or sometimes, less politely, larger human beings). Sadly, the word â€Å"woozle†hasn’t yet made it into the dictionary. However, it has inspired the term â€Å"woozle effect.†This is based on the story of Pooh and Piglet mistaking their own footprints for those of a woozle, then chasing themselves in circles in a hunt for something that doesn’t exist. In the real world, the â€Å"woozle effect†occurs when a misleading or unsubstantiated idea is repeated and republished often enough that people start believing it (or chasing their own footprints, so to speak). So while â€Å"woozle†isn’t in the dictionary yet, it still might appear there one day!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
MANAGERIAL FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
MANAGERIAL FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING - Essay Example Particularly focusing on the financial monitoring aspect of the company, Creative Ltd. requires additional accounting resources to ensure an optimum level of efficiency and transparency in its financial reporting activities. Accounting is the monitoring and controlling of all financial transactions that take place, or are liable to take place, and it provides a transparent view of where the company stands financially at any given point in time. However within itself, we can classify it into two major segments (1) Financial, and (2) Managerial. They are discernible as follows: remains balanced. These activities include recording financial transactions, posting the double entries to general ledger, maintaining and adjusting general ledgers, closing the books and preparing financial statements. Managerial Accounting is more about monitoring financial performance, conducting variance analysis, following through with revised targets. It also encompasses the forecasting of sales, revenues, costs, budgeting activities of the firm etc. Financial Accountancy is conducted for external stakeholders of the company such as investors, Stockholders, Debt Providers, Regulatory Bodies etc. whereas Managerial Accountancy is executed for decision making within the firm and the information is mostly employed by middle and upper level management of the company. Financial Accounting is solely based on the past performance of the company, while Managerial Accounting focuses on the current predicaments and the possible future outcomes based on the previous performance of the company. (Diffen Online) Financial Accountancy requires that the data be completely objective and verifiable, whereas in the case of Managerial Accountancy, the data need not be completely objective or verifiable. This is because financial accountancy is primarily an overview of how the company has performed, thus it must be backed by accurate and concrete figures. However,
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